Re: [Usability] Should Shift+Ctrl+Click select a range or just the item clicked?

--- Gabriel Burt <gabriel burt gmail com> wrote:

> In nautilus and f-spot, if you select an item and
> then hold shift+ctrl
> and click on another item, it will select the second
> item, but not
> select the items in between.  On Windows it would
> select the range. 
> The HIG doesn't seem to address this case.  Is there
> a consensus on
> the desired behavior, and if so can it get added to
> the HIG?

On Windows, the behaviour is:

SHIFT+click -- extend current selection
CTRL+click -- add to current selection.

for rubberbanding:
SHIFT+rubberband -- add items to current selection
CTRL+rubberband -- add items to current selection,
removing reselected items (in other words, toggle
selection status)

OS X is pretty much the same.

I'm sure I raised this matter on this list before, as
I was proposing that applications that deal with
continuous material (eg a bitmap) should have
different guidelines for rubberbanding modifiers.

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