Re: [Usability] Thoughts on GNOME and DTP

On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 12:40 +1100, Maxwell Bowerman wrote:
> An actual app for DTP is only one aspect though.  GNOME would need a colour
> management system such as ICM or ICC and easy calibration.  

Calibration isn't easy, ever.  It involves pieces of expensive hardware
stuck onto the screen and regular calibration of said hardware.

Unless you mean the Adobe Photoshop style consumer "calibration", which
basically determines the colour temperature of your display.  All modern
displays are basically (or can be) calibrated to sRGB, which makes this
requirement not as important.  However I did start (and so did someone
else, though I can't recall who) a tool to calibrate the display like
the Photoshop utilty does.

For a colour management system there is "lcms" (the Little CMS).  Eye Of
Gnome and GIMP both use this, and follow the ICC Profiles In X
"specification" I wrote last summer:

There is an open bug with Scribus to use it, and I believe Krita either
has support or will have.

> A colour picker is also an essential applet, such as the KDE tool mentioned
> here:

The standard GTK+ colour picker dialog supports taking colours from
anywhere on the screen, so if an application re-invents a colour picker
and doesn't implement that feature too, that is their problem.  I don't
believe there is a use-case for a dedicated panel applet, as ideally the
eyedropper will be next to the colour selectors.

Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                          jabber: ross burtonini com
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