Re: [Usability] Save Icon

On 31 Jan, 2006, at 2:58 AM, Manu Cornet wrote:
There are several cases where icons in menus are *extremely* useful. For example, while using Inkscape, if you want to "Mirror" and object horizontally, and without menu icons, you're going to scan each line of text to see which item suits your need. If you have good icons, you
immediately spot the one you need.

Usability testing is riddled with cases where people think that something that makes them slower makes them faster, and vice versa. I think if you tested separate sets of people who had never used Gnome before, overall they would find menu items more quickly without icons than with them.

Where I think icons in menu items are useful is where the icon is likely to be more understandable or more recognizable than the text. In Inkscape, examples of "more understandable" are the "Union", "Difference", "Intersection", "Exclusion", "Divison", and "Cut Path" items, and that's about all. Examples of "more recognizable" would be "Cut", and the items in the "Open Recent" submenu. (It would make sense to generalize the latter as "whenever a menu item represents a file or similar resource, include the icon for that resource in the menu item".)

Even then, I think icons should either be used for every item in a section (between the end of a menu and a separator, or between two menu separators), or for none of them, because anything else looks messy. For example, "Cut" would not have an icon because it's probably the only item in the Edit menu for which the icon is more recognizable than the text, and having just one icon in the menu would look weird.

Same in GIMP for many, many actions you can perform on an image.

Following the above guidelines, items in the Gimp that would have icons would be the three "Fill with" items, the items in the "Layer" menu's "Colors" submenu and the second half of the "Transparency" submenu, the items in the "Tools" menu (only because the toolbox is open so often that it makes the tool icons more recognizable than their names), and all the items in the "Dialogs" menu (though that menu probably shouldn't exist).

Matthew Paul Thomas

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