Re: [Usability] Using Control-Esc and Windows keys to access

Shaun McCance wrote:
I think a lot of users would benefit from Alans proposal (and I guess
Alt+F1 shoudl be added too for the main menu?). I wonder if it is very
important that those keybindings are beeing taken away? Since I do not
know Gnome yet I would like you to ask you a bit more in detail:

- With Super do you mean what I call "windows keys"?

Super is what the Free World calls the keys that on many keyboards have a Windows logo.

- What kind of applications actually use Super?

None, so far.  Instead, people are free to bind  Super themselves.  I myself use Super-T to launch gnome-terminal and Super-F to launch Firefox.

- Are those applications perhaps mainly programming IDE/editors?

Emacs dose not use Super.  Emacs uses control and meta.

- Can an application override the global binding of super?

Emacs already overrides Control and Alt, so, probably.

I can see the need for super in certain applications (like Emacs) but in
the case of MS Windows I use the windows keys inside Emacs as

What the hell do you do that for?  Alt is alot closer to where your thumbs hang out.  I bet  you still have that useless caps lock key 'cause you're too lazy to open keyboard preferences and rebind it to Control.  Well, when you get around to doing that, your hands will thank you.

Personally, I like things the way they are, which is, Control for apps, Alt for the system, Super for users to bind.

I have one request.  Please do not make pressing modifier keys do anything.  Windows opens the (bloaty) Start menu when you push the Super key, and that was a terrible UI decision.  Pleas use Super-space or some actual character instead.

cartwheel ^(^_^)> v(.-.)v <(^_^)^

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