Re: [Usability] Re: New "Add to panel" dialog

> One thing OS X does that helps it to look slightly
> less cluttered is that the icons are fairly plain and
> only in black.
> It makes it look less busy to the eye.

Actually that's up to the developer. Adobe Version Cue is green and
red. Thankfully, most developers respect Apple's HIG, at least in that
aspect. Maybe a guideline could restrict the amount of colors and
complexity of the applet icons in Gnome?

Actually applets need quite a lot of work, HIG-wise, because they
behaviour is terribly inconsistent. All of them should behave like a
drop-down menu, with no right click or with a consistent right click
behaviour. Certainly that's a quite urgent problem to be addressed.
Maybe we should file a bug in the guidelines?

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