[Usability] Some suggestions for Nautilus/filebrowser?


I'm not quite sure if this is the correct list, but whatever...

I have a couple of suggestions for Nautilus and/or the filebrowser:

1. There should be an option to open directories in the same window. I
know the 'always open in browser windows' option does this, but I
don't think that's clear enough.
2. In the file manager, when you click+drag files to another
window/another directory, it just moves the file without giving you a
choice of 'move', 'copy', or 'link'. There should be a popup menu that
does that.
3. (minor aesthetic thing) - In file manager's 'display as icons'
mode, the icons should line up (like, in a grid fashion). Or provide
an option that does that.

For the filebrowser (the integrated dialog box in applications'
'open', 'save' dialog boxes):

4. There should be a textbox that allows you to enter in a custom directory.
5. When you double-click to go into a folder, the first directory in
that directory is automatically selected. Now, that's cool, but when
you click 'open' at the bottom, it opens that selected directory
instead of using the current directory. This is annoying in apps like
File Roller, where you cannot extract files to a directory that
contains other directories because of this.

Both 4) and 5) would be greatly helpful in an app like File Roller
(which is my least favorite app in GNOME right now because of this).


Sincerely, Frank Huang
    "Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."

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