[Usability] GtkFileChooserButton as File Chooser

On Dec 14 Frederico Mena Quintero posted about having the file chooser
behave like the GtkFileChooserButton:

From http://primates.ximian.com/~federico/news.html :
After seing Jimbob's work  with GtkFileChooserButton, I wonder if the
file chooser's own folders combo box in Save mode should be just like
his — that would allow us to remove the "Browse for other folders"
expander. If the user wants to select a folder that is not in his
bookmarks, he can choose the "Other..." item in the drop-down.

I've been thinking about this a bit and I think I agree. I find I keep opening the "Save to Folder" menu, realizing the location I want isn't on that list, then closing the "Save to Folder" menu, opening the "Browse for other folders" menu, and choosing my location.

A question, though: would the "Other" option on the GtkFileChooserButton open a new dialog, or expand the current dialog as it works now?

Steven Garrity

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