Re: [Usability] Selection buttons

On Tue, Feb 08, 2005 at 04:53:28PM +0100, Maurizio Colucci wrote:
> Hello,
> Using control and shift to create complex selections is undiscoverable, 
> and difficult for common people. OTOH, in icon view it is often 
> difficult to select a precise set of contiguous files without using 
> those buttons. For example, in order to drag some mp3 files to a playlist.
> What about adding some GIMP-like toolbar buttons representing the 
> selection mode? These would be mutually exclusive: "add to selection", 
> "replace selection", "subtract from selection".
Heh, that's a very clever idea IMHO :)  I hope it gets taken seriously.
Maybe you could eventually make a mockup using Glade or something,
people could get a slightly better idea about what you're saying.

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