Re: [Usability] The new file chooser

On Mon, 2004-09-20 at 22:34, rkaa netcom no wrote:
> With the old file-chooser, once the file is located, I click the file icon,
> double-click in the text-widget to place the text there on clipboard, then
> middle-click in a mail, a chat or whatever, to paste it.

That really, really isn't what the file chooser is for.  If that
functionality was in a previous open dialog then go ahead and use it,
but don't demand that it be supported when it has nothing to do with the
basic purpose of the dialog.

By the way, when I want to do such an operation, I use a terminal.  If
you don't like that, you can accomplish it with nautilus by navigating
to a file and then pulling its full path out of the properties dialog.


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