Re: [Usability] Why a Resize Gripper on GTKStatusbar but not GnomeAppBar?

On Sat, 2004-05-29 at 19:23, Steven Garrity wrote:
> What first got me wondering was Firefox - should their GTK2 build have a 
> resize-grabber [1]?


> Then, I got involved in the Gnome Outliner project [2]. I see that 
> GtkStatusbar automatically includes a resize-gripper, but GnomeAppBar 
> does not.

GnomeAppBar should be deprecated, I'm not sure why it isn't. I guess at
some point we've just acknowledged that all of libgnomeui is going to
end up deprecated sooner or later and stopped tracking the details.

>  > There's no real reason to prefer GnomeAppBar or GtkStatusbar; they
>  > simply have different APIs. The GnomeAppBar widget was written
>  > later, with several goals in mind:
>  >  - To simplify the GtkStatusbar API.
>  >  - To support an optional progress bar next to the status bar,
>  >    similar to Netscape's.
>  >  - Eventual support for "interactive" use in the tradition of the
>  >    Emacs "minibuffer." This is unfinished in Gnome 1.0, however.
> The reference to Gnome 1.0 being "unfinished" obvious dates that source. 
> Can anyone confirm if this is still relevant?

Not still relevant. (Pretty clearly crackrock in retrospect.)

> My question is this: Should GnomeAppBar have a resize-gripper?

Instead things should just use GtkStatusbar.


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