[Usability] Competing Preference Window Layouts

I've noticed that there are two preference windows with similar content with quite a different method of layout/organization. I wondered if there was one method that was preferred and if they should be consistent.

The two preference windows in question are the "Preferred Applications" window and the "CD and DVD Preferences" window.

The "Preferred Applications" uses tabs. There are four tabs each each with a few UI controls.

The "CD and DVD Preferences" uses a taller single window, placing the UI controls from four sections all on one pane.

A few pros/cons:
 - The tabs are more expandable - it's easy to add more,
   and if there were too many for tabs, a side-list view
   could work as per the HIG.
 - The tabs make everything an extra click away.
 - The all-in-one window could be a bit overwhelming.
 - The all-in-one window method makes nice use of icons
   for the four sections. This could work well for the
   preferred applications window too as there are theme
   icons for each of the four types of apps.

My preference would be to use the all-in-one-window method that the CD and DVD prefs use for the Pref Apps as well.

What do others think?

Steven Garrity

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