Re: [Usability] Re: Proposal + RFC: Improving the Bugzilla layout

A chairde

> For some reason beyond me, bug-buddy has *never* worked for me. It
> always gets to the part where it asks me to do something with sendmail,
> or to send it in later manually. Right about there I give up and either
> forget submitting the bug, or simply use the http interface. IMO bug
> buddy needs to be redone to "just work" (somehow), before we can
> consider it a replacement for the http interface.
> Also, the http interface works on non-GNOME platforms (Win32).

The Talkback program netscape/mozilla use has the option of sending the
data over http.  I used to think it odd because it almost everywhere has
email (although not necessarily the kind of direct access that bug-buddy
expects).  'Twould be nice to for bug-buddy to have both options.

> I have no doubt that "bug" will *never* disappear, its too ingrained in
> our psyche.

Didn't they find actual real life insect "bugs" physically jamming the old
original computers, ENIAC or suchlike?  (Thats what I get for watching
hours of Open University on the BBC while trying to recover from late
nights out instead of going to sleep :)

> interface that we expect "normal" users to use to submit reports to us.

I dont even expect 'normal' users to submit but reports but from the
sounds of it you are unaware of the alternative step by step wizard
interface to bugzilla.

I'm sure many projects have had discussions on how easy it should be to
create a bug report.  I dont know what happens to bug-buddy reports but
that kind of raw data isn't particularly useful, I know I've closed loads
of bugs from Dia 0.86 and 0.88 which were just archaic and already
reported about a million times.

> This is the main avenue for new users to take a hand in improving their
> own system, and as such it should be as friendly usable as possible, and
> therefore we need clearer terminology.

> it is currently *way* too loaded with meanings. It means errors,

I like when things and stuff have kinda vague non specific meanings if you
know what i mean like ;)

Is mise
  Alan Horkan

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