Re: [Usability] desktop entry names, generic?

On Wed, 2004-06-30 at 12:01, Bryan Clark wrote:

Applications outside of the core desktop should brand themselves as 
they are, however the core desktop applications should be branded as 
GNOME and that brand is simply not having one.


I don't think this kind of branding is helping people, while we are
proud of the applications that make up the GNOME Desktop, each
application that's included in the desktop becomes part of GNOME as it
is integrated.  I view us kind of like the Borg, resistance is futile
and you will be assimilated.

Another thing to consider is scanability. If there are four Music Players installed (granted, maybe not a common case), and they all follow the format "_____ Music Player" with the GNOME default leaving off the "_____", then the menu would look something like this:

  Another Music Player
  Gary's Music Player
  Music Player
  Slick Music Player

The issue I see here is that by asking all GNOME app developers to follow the "____ Music Player" format, the only distiguishing characteristic in a list of like items is the "____", and the GNOME default, lacking that distinguishing characteristic, may get lost in the noise.

There may be other ways to allow an application to display its "primary" status than by altering the menu name. Perhaps some visual distinction, such as a highlight color, or even bold text. Maybe position in the list.

This is a good subject for small-scale testing. I could write up a little test plan. That is, unless this is a closed conversation.

- Damian Haase

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