[Usability] Re: Suggestion for the actual UI of GTK+'s New FileSelector

>> This should be the idea, yes. To guide the user to what and how to do

>again, as i stated, i think that's a *bad* thing.

Sorry, but I disagree. Let's agree to disagree. :)

> perhaps some tests/studies should be done on this - both of us are just
> guessing at which way is better

I would love to see some tests on this too.

> on an unrelated note, what is the reason for the "view as list"
> drop-down in Erick's mockup?  if there is the possibility of switching
> between list and icon view, shouldn't it just use the nautilus settings
> for doing so for consistency?

I am not sure what the Nautilus settings perceives as "default" though. For
example, my husband --having spent $5000 on photo equipment since last
year-- he now uses a OSX and uses Finder to catalog his (too many) pictures.
He doesn't want to have a default setting for all windows, because for his
images folders he wants to have full 128x128 thumbnails while use normal
32x32 icons for the rest of the folders. AFAIK, this is not even settable on
Nautilus -- it will just preview whatever you have told it to preview. So if
the default on nautilus is "icon view at 75% with previews On", that's the
last thing I want to see on a file selector. Now, that wouldl look weird, to
say the least.


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