Re: [Usability] Grouping Windows: Sticky Windows

At 09:03 PM 4/5/2004, Ryan McDougall wrote:


While one might be annoyed by windows that are stuck together against
your will, it doesn't get too far in the way of usability.

I'm not sure about that. Let's assume that I have one main task window open (email client) and a handful of peripheral task windows open (media player, instant messenging client, a couple of IM windows, network monitor, system monitor, file browser). (These are the windows that I currently have open and visible on my workspace.) Sometimes I need to move my main task window (say, to access the desktop icons that are directly behind the main task window). I could minimise the window, but sometimes I simply shift it a bit so that the icon I need is visible. If I move my main task window towards the various other open windows, they'd all stick together.

There's the sheer annoyance of having to unstick several windows because I moved one big window. But worse, I'll have lost my organization of the peripheral windows. I tend to keep each of those windows in a specific location. I would lose a lot of time either unsticking them (unless there was an 'unstick all' optin?) and moving them back to where I usually keep them, or in trying to figure out where they are in the new layout.

I suppose that one way around that problem would be to have a way to specify in a particular window that I never want to have other windows stick to it. A more general case would be to say that I don't want any more windows to stick to this particular grouping (where the group is n windows, n>=1). That allows me to say that I want only my network monitor and system monitor to stick together, but if I move one of my IM windows down near them, it won't stick there. This suggestion might add a lot of conceptual overhead, though.


-GUI desktops generate a lot of windows, and manipulating each as
separate entities divorced from any relationship with any other window
requires the constant mental overhead of know which window relates to
which, and the constant manual manipulation (moving, resizing, etc.) on
their own. The GIMP is one example, as is the common developer's setup:
editor, terminal, debugger, music player, etc. If we have *some* means
of tying these windows together we can improve usability by decreasing
the distinct and separate entities that a user has to track and

The overridding issue here is that the user has to manually manipulate windows (sometimes repeatedly in the course of a single task) to achieve the highest degree of usability at a system-wide level. Users have limited screen real estate and a lot of windows vying for both screen placement and user attention. Further, optional placement on the screen in terms of screen real estate used (that is, few overlapping windows and few unused bits of the desktop) is not necessarily optimal placement on the screen in terms of user attention.

Assuming that I've stated the issue correctly, I'm not entirely certain that sticky windows is the answer. It might be a part of the answer, though. I do like the idea of being able to stick some of my windows together. But I'm not certain of doing it automatically at a system-wide level.

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that I don't like the idea. I'm just trying to get the idea fleshed out, and trying to figure out if there are usability problems that could occur.


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