Re: [Usability] The Window List Applet

Gregory Merchan wrote:

A moment ago, I had an idea for the window list applet that I've not seen
presented anywhere. Before I mention it, I'd like to address two things.

1) Grouping
  I'll let Alan Cooper speak here:

    Unfortunately, in Windows XP, Microsoft has done something which
    disrupts this quite workable ToolTip scheme: As space gets limited,
    rather than squeezing all the buttons, the Taskbar starts grouping
    them by application into single buttons.

I actually prefer having the application name in the window list rather than the document name. Example: mozilla mail uses the subject line of the currently selected message as "document name". Since that's always different and can be pretty much random text, it doesn't lend itself to a quick scan to find my mailbox. "Mozilla-bin (2)" is much easier to spot. I would therefore like to be able to specify "always use application name", since the fact that it changes from document name to application name depending on how many windows are open just makes things worse. I realize the icons are supposed to help here, but -- forgive me -- many of them just look like grey blobs at that size and are not as quick to recognize as the app name.

To satisfy Alan Cooper's objection about tooltips, perhaps all open windows could be listed in the tooltip, rather than just replicating the "Mozilla-bin (2)" text. Actually, since my wife and I often both have Mozilla open all day, my favorite would be to have the profile name in the window list, so that we can open the correct mailbox without resorting to trial and error. It used to be, under plain old X, that you could specify a name for application windows on the command line (--title=xyz), and that title would get used in icons. That would be great.


PS.  Couldn't "Mozilla-bin" just be labelled "Mozilla" ? ?

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