[Usability] Proper use of disclosure triangles (more or fewer options)

I'm building a search interface.  There are far too many criteria
clauses than can be shown on the screen, and only a few are relevant for
any search.  To avoid asking the user to scroll to find the options (and
possibly loose them), I want to only show the options that the use
chooses to see.  I don't see this scenario addressed in the HIG, though
it was discussed in 2001-12.

I've seen:

> more file name options 
(MacOS, GTKTreeView)

[] more file name options 

| more file name options >> | 

I believe the last example might be correct.  This is a screen-shot of
the nonsense I want to avoid.


__C U R T I S  C.  H O V E Y____________________
sinzui cox net
Guilty of stealing everything I am.

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