[Usability] Usability bug reporting

Hi all,

  I was just looking at some bugs pertaining to GNOME usability, and it
occurred to me that we should provide a simple form to make such reports
more useful. The details needed for a program crashing bug are different
from those need from a "this program is sub-optimal and usability impaired"-
bug, and those are different from HIG-compliance bugs.

  The form should be available in two ways: as a web form and a small
application. The form could be at http://usability.gnome.org/bugs .
The small app is worthwhile because typing in a web browser still sucks.
Given a design, it can probably be scripted in less than a day by someone
who knows suitable scripting language. (I'd have to learn or relearn one,
or do it in C.)

  If someone is very zealous about this, integrate a spelling and grammar
checker. Check also for errors like: claiming something breaks Fitts's Law,
calling conventions affordances, emacsisms, and vi-isms.

  I wouldn't mind a few other small app interfaces to bugzilla either. :-)


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