[Usability] Re: [Conglomerate-devel] Undo/Redo questions

On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 19:02, Dave Malcolm wrote:
> I'm implementing undo/redo within Conglomerate - with unlimited undo
> support - and I have a few questions for the Usability experts out
> there.

Cool :)

> (i) Interaction of Undo/Redo with Clipboard
> -------------------------------------------
> If the user copies some text to the clipboard, and they then select
> "undo", should we try to restore the old state of the clipboard?  I
> believe it's easier for both me and my users if the answer is "yes"
> (although I've yet to delve into the  details).  Imagine the case where
> a user has a long sequence of operations involving the clipboard, which
> they undo back through, then redo, then undo, to get to exactly the
> point they want - I believe the clipboard should be in its "historical"
> state at that point, rather than be whatever it was in.  But this gets
> complicated if the user then copies some text in another app.

Undo/Redo should be oblivious to the clipboard.  It should neither
modify what's in the clipboard, nor attempt to use what's in there to
restore it's state.

Adam Olsen, aka Rhamphoryncus
There's a fine line between genius and insanity.  I have
erased this line.  - Oscar Levant

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