[Usability] Re: epiphany toolbar/bookmarks

Stephen Blake writes:
On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 14:45, Havoc Pennington wrote:
On Fri, May 30, 2003 at 05:48:17PM +0200, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote: > > - Searches are currently not very "rich", so if you have 2000
>  > bookmarks, it can be hard to find them. But on the long time a
>  > database approach is obviously the best also for people with so many
>  > bookmarks.
> > With a large collection there's another problem: the list of topics is
>  also potentially large.  Just finding a topic is in itself a difficult
>  task.  I'm not sure if there's a solution for this problem (other than
>  just "that's your problem, think of better topics" -- well, I'm not a
> librarian, ook?)
It seems like there might be some cheesy hack to allow topics to be
hierarchized; for example, I can imagine creating topics with "/" in
the name:
Foo/Bar Foo/Baz
Would it be a total hack if that was magically used to generate
submenus? Probably so. ;-)

How about a not-so-cheesy tree hack solution: Imagine the following list
of bookmarks and their categories (with apologies to any BSD zealots out
there ;) ):
Slashdot: News, Zealotry
OSNews: News, Operating Systems
FreeBSD: Operating Systems, Zealotry
CNN: News
I can imagine the following (but not the only) tree we could generate
from this (monospaced font required), where a * is a bookmark.
  +- News
  |    +- Zealotry
  |    |    +- * Slashdot
  |    +- * Slashdot
  |    +- * OSNews
  |    +- * CNN
  +- Zealotry
  |    +- News
  |    |    +- * Slashdot
  |    +- Operating Systems
  |    |    +- * FreeBSD
  |    +- * Slashdot
  |    +- * FreeBSD
  +- Operating Systems
       +- Zealotry
       |    +- * FreeBSD
       +- * OSNews
+- * FreeBSD
Hmm, too complicated? Maybe. Too many duplicate entries? Perhaps. But
maybe it's a start. Maybe we eliminate the (possibly very large)
intersection lists, forcing the user to navigate to the most specific
instance, i.e.:
  +- News
  |    +- Zealotry
  |    |    +- * Slashdot
  |    +- * OSNews
  |    +- * CNN
  +- Zealotry
  |    +- News
  |    |    +- * Slashdot
  |    +- Operating Systems
  |    |    +- * FreeBSD
  +- Operating Systems
       +- Zealotry
       |    +- * FreeBSD
+- * OSNews Well, it's obviously not a fully baked idea, but what do you think? Stephen
Epiphany mailing list
Epiphany mozdev org

Such hacks are probably not a good idea for a few reaons:
1. Doesn't scale to bookmarks associated with mulitple topics
2. Sub-menus are inherintly hard to use, hence when you have more than one level of submenus you make the ALL menu completely pointless since it will be incredibly slow to access anything from it.[1] This is all in the HIG. dave [1] I'm fairly certain that if you did a real world test of this and asked a user to find a random bookmark you could show (using the stop watch) that using the bookmarks window search interface is even more efficient than using the "all" bookmarks menu, especially for large collections.

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