Re: [Usability]Spell checking

> Another cool feature would be automatically dictionary lookup for a
> word, too.  Maybe some kind of plugin architecture to the text entry to
> add this stuff for those of us insane enough to install/use it ;-)

I actually just found gnome-spell, which gives apps the ability to use
spell checking, but doesn't allow you to control spell checking
centrally. I'd expect spell checking control to be in the control

I also noticed with gnome-spell, that when you right click a misspelled
word, you don't get a list of likely substitutions - you have to hit,
"spell checker" -> "check 'badword' spelling...". I was hoping to have
the substitutions available right away, like MS Office does it. (ducks -
sorry) :)

I hear you though - a dictionary/thesaurus option on the context menu
for a single selected word would be great, too.


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