Re: [Epiphany] Re: [Usability] User defined metadata (was: epiphany toolbar/bookmarks)

On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 10:12, Marco Pesenti Gritti wrote:
> My point was basically that the ability to manage easily 100 bookmarks
> would have been already a great gain for most users, not that expanding
> this number would have not been positive for everyone.
> I have the impression we cant assume the system could work without
> remove anyway ... too many bookmarks means they are harder to find, you
> can improve but never remove that basic fact.

We can improve it a _lot_ though, especially with metadata (isn't this
the whole point why metadata is so exciting?). The main issue I have is,
that there is a clear line between bookmarks that are important on a
regular basis and those bookmarks which I once set but currently have no
interest in. This line shifts a lot however, while I change my
interests. I want to keep old bookmarks because I might come back to
them but I don't need them taking away my attention from bookmarks I
currently care for and want to open a lot.
I'll give you that a rating system would probably work just as well in
most cases and would be a lot less complicated. At least if they are
convenient to use, so I could for example quickly change the rating for
a load of bookmarks at once. This way I could have my most important
bookmarks always sorted at the top and I could use it for other
interesting things like reducing the rating for closed bugzilla bugs
(while putting the product name in the subject as you suggested). 
So here is my support and hoping for bookmark ratings. :)

Another thing that could go a long way would be vTopics. From earlier
comments, it seems that you might be considering something like that. It
would be really great IMO to have Evolution-like separated vFolders with
very flexible but simple rulesets (for example "ALL BOOKMARKS FROM
Gaming WHERE Search FINDS Quake AND rating > 3"). I could then always
make vTopics for things I currently use on a regular basis and put them
on my toolbar. For example. This could also be used to "simulate" more
fine grained categorization without adding loads of topics.


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