Re: [Usability] "File views"

Ok... well, when i say that those folders would be
hidden it doesn't mean they would be inaccessible.
Maybe they just wouldn't be very obvious? I don't
know. It would be some feature anyone could turn
on/off, it's not like the user would never again see
his system directories through Nautilus.

> If I remember correctly if you are at the top of the
> home tree (which is
> rooted in you userdirectory) in the KDE file manager
> and you press the up
> button then the rest of the tree is then shown,
> which is quite nice for
> users who do want to see the rest of the file
> system.

Exactly, i think that was a good solution KDE
implemented. But maybe it could be better. For
example, it would be better if i could customize my
trees, like, "I don't want the /dev to appear on my
tree, but keep the /usr", etc.

> not familiar with this terminology, when you say
> occult I think black
> magic and animal sacrifices, and even if some
> software does seem that hard
> to use I dont think that is what you meant.
> Hmm, vague recollection, does occult litterally mean
> hidden?

Opps! Sorry... bad english. Yep, i meant "hidden".


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