Re: [Usability]Short article on OSS usability

<quote who="Calum Benson">

> >From this month's Usability Professionals' Association periodical:


  "The licenses are generally intended to keep the source code from being
  used in a commercial product and to maintain the community effort in
  maintaining the application."

Next sentence:

  "The terms of the licenses are often misunderstood and badly interpreted."

No kidding! :-)

Intruiguing that he actually mentions GNOME and KDE as possible areas for
usability professionals to contribute to. Will we see an influx of UPA dudes
looking for resume-filler? :-)

I know I keep bringing this up, but this is another reason why we need a
good set of guidelines for contributing to GNOME usability work. How can
professional and 'amateur' contributors work with GNOME effectively? How can
we encourage them to make developer-friendly contributions?

I was shouted down last time I mentioned this, but it seems like common
sense - especially if we seriously care about GNOME usability.

- Jeff

     "If I can't be near you I would rather be adrift in space." - Neil     
                          Finn, Try Whistling This                          

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