Re: [Usability] Gnome-keyring terminology and UI wording

> I'm also not sure about whether to show the pathname of the app when
> referencing it like that, however thats the only part of the app
> reference thats nominally secure, since the display name ('File
> manager') is just what the applications choosed to call itself.

Is it possible to have the UI change slightly here depending on if the
app is "secure" or not?  I.e., an app owned by root, located in a
directory owned by root which is not world-writable, and semi-permanent
media (i.e., not a floppy, CD, remote location, etc) is very unlikely to
need to clutter the UI with extraneous (and possibly confusing)

Apps loaded from temporary media or locations (CDs, floppies, /tmp,
etc.), apps located on remote locations, or apps owned by non-root users
(including the user running the app) can then have the extra precaution
in the UI.  Perhaps to go so far as to warn the user, "This app is not
part of your operating system, and may be malicious in nature."

You could put extra security information (path of executable, owner of
executable, remote location or media/volume name, etc.) in a separate
Security Details dialog (again, so as not to overload the user with
information they may not need, want, or understand).

An added benefit of doing it this way is that in the future, if users
run things like signed binaries (perhaps using TCPA, perhaps not) the UI
will already gracefully handle the situation with little to no changes.
Sean Middleditch <elanthis awesomeplay com>
AwesomePlay Productions, Inc.

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