Re: [Usability]Open and Save dialogs

On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 10:07, MM wrote:
> Hi all,
> Gimp cut and paste is lame. So here they are. The fully interactive,
> user enhanced, emblem integrated, nautilus viewable (well it has
> tables), open and file dialogs. Try them out. 

Those dialogs are really comming on - but my complaint about the
screenshots are that there is no destinction in the wm theme between the
dialog and the window border. To me this makes it really hard to "get my
head around" the dialogs and properly asses them.

It would be great if either the screenshots could be updated with a
theme like wonderland or i could be pointed at somewhere i could get the
code to run my own example of the dialogs.



	 .--= [ MArk Finlay - finlaymATeircomDOTnet ] =--.

	  [ sisob: ]
		[ MArk: ]

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