Re: [Usability]Ellipses ("...") in menu items

On Sun, 2002-09-01 at 16:37, Yanko Kaneti wrote:
> Now that I've finally read carefully the HIG section about the ellipses
> I'd like tho share my perspective on why I think its wrong and why every
> menuitem that opens any kind of dialog should be ellipsized.
> The current idea is that the ellipsis should inform the user whether
> there would be some additional input required on his/her part after he
> chooses the item.
> I think this overlooks the fact that in many cases the ellipsis carries
> another piece of information for the user - whether by chosing the item
> some (mysterious) action would be immediately performed (and he/she will
> be immeadiately screwed) - or - nothing will be performed immediately
> and some more choice/text/whatever will be presented (from which he/she
> would be able to escape in fear usually by pressing Escape)
> Please notice the tilt in the parenthesis. 
> I believe most people, especially the ones coming from windows land
> would rather expect _that_ information from the ellipses. Presented with
> something sticking to the the current recommendation they will be
> challenged a bit more than necessary (remember,  they were challenged to
> even read  and comprehend the damned text of the menuitem). 

I agree with you, the fact that an action is "safe" is an important
feedback for the user to have.

My proposal would be to change that section from:


* Label the menu item with a trailing ellipsis ("...") only if the
command requires further input from the user before it can be performed.
Do not add an ellipsis to items that only present a confirmation dialog
(such as Delete), or that do not require further input (such as
Properties, Preferences or About).


To this:


* Label the menu item with a trailing ellipsis ("...") only in the
following cases:

   - The command requires further input from the user before it can be
     performed (such as Find, Open or Print).

   - The command opens a settings window (such as Preferences or Page

   - The command presents an alert letting the user cancel the action
     (such as Expunge Folder or Empty Trash).

* Do not add an ellipsis to items in the following cases:

   - The command opens an informational or utility window (such as
     Properties or a Brushes)

   - The command does not require further user input (such as New, Cut
     or Bold).


Advantages of this change:

1) The user will have reassuring feedback of when the action that he
starts will take effect instantly.

2) Graphical tools are taken as a case apart as themselves. It is
clearer to what category they belong now.




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