Re: [Usability]Re: [Usability]¨Dialog buttons have icons¨ gone?

Calum Benson <calum benson sun com> said:
> I don't recall any particular flamewar, I guess people just like having
> as much eye-candy as possible :)  IMHO though they're mostly
> distracting, space-hogging, and make dialogs that include a mixture of
> buttons with and without icons look kind of half-finished...
> Cheeri,
> Calum.


Maybe we should bring this up with gnome-hackers and the gtk guys, if we feel 
strongly enough about it, and see what they say. Theoretically we could add 
this to the hig, but if we don't want everyone to hate us it probably should 
wait till 2.4.

Thoughts, comments?


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