[Usability]Re: just a short question : Nautilus : Desktop : Properites

Question 1:

Your talking about editing .desktop files in nautilus. Well right now
you can't do it :) There are some people working on it, and hopefully
post 2.0 this feature will be added.

Question 2:
Another idea that i like is to make all the special folders sub folders
of start-here and make start-here a virtual sub folder of the users
desktop ($home for me). I'm not sure what others think...

Another option would be to make a location sidebar with a column of
icons for each special location sort of like in macos column view.


On Wed, 2002-05-01 at 03:58, Moritz Angermann wrote:
> 	well i just wonderd why i can'T chage command and the other options i
> get when i change the porpertyes of a item( starter ) in the pannel. if
> i right click on a icon(nautilus) on my desktop and i want to change
> it's exec-command, i have to drag it into the pannel, change it and drag
> it back on the desktop ....
> 	kinda suckee i think ...
>btw : is there a way, to show all gnome-vfs in nautilus ?
> like int treeview, you have:

> ? could that be possible ?
> well i know it would be somehow Windows like but it would be very
> comforable i think. and would make it easyer for newbees.
> -moritz/void

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