Re: [Usability] Decision: instant apply window buttons

Seth Nickell wrote:

> > 3) Accessibility
> > 4) Being able to TAB to the close button
> I think these are the same point

Almost, but not quite... an explicit Close button in a window would also
have an access key, probably Alt-C.  

You might argue that this isn't any easier than having to press Alt-F4,
but the difference here is that there is a visual cue to the keypress
required, which doesn't exist with the window manager/Alt-F4 approach. 
And people with some types of learning difficulty aren't always good at
remembering arbitrary things without a visual cue.


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum benson ireland sun com    Desktop Engineering Group                      +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems

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