Re: [Usability] Re: a nice touch from kde's kicker

<quote who="Chris Chabot">

> The reason i -love- this, is because it makes it clear to users what the
> app does! Names such as 'Yelp', 'Evolution' and 'Mozilla' (or galeon), do
> not relay this information, and might cause some user confusion. For the
> average newbee user, he doesnt 'use mozilla', no he 'is using the
> internet'.

It's also far better than doing a straight renaming of most icon labels and
program names, which is what you'll find in G2D.

Perhaps for 2.2, we can arrange a more descriptive menu system to do this.

- Jeff

    "...and did you know that Twisties have real cheese in them?" - Dave    
        "I didn't even think they had real twists in them!" - Andrew        

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