Re: [Usability] label alignments

Liam Quin wrote:

> To take an extreme to start with,
> [A]
>    Height of Box:                          12
>    Weight:                                  7
>    Sock Count:                             22
>    Age:                                    14

This is a slightly unfair comparison; with no other controls in the same
group, the above example should actually appear in a dialog as:

Height of Box:  12
Weight:          7
Sock Count:     22
Age:            14

Which is somewhat easier to read.  In fact, given that anything measured
in units should have the units indicated, and "Height of Box" should be
more simply labelled "Box Height", (or even just "Height", if all the
fields refer to the Box properties), it would actually end up looking

Box Height:  12 inches
Weight:       7 kg
Sock Count:  22 pairs
Age:         14 years

which is easier still  :o)


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum benson ireland sun com    Desktop Engineering Group                      +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems

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