Re: [Usability] Suggestion from LT

<quote who="jacob berkman">

> > Most maintainers should have received patches for man files from the Debian
> > developer/packager of their software. Before you write one, make sure you've
> > checked with them, because it's part of Debian policy to provide a man page
> > for every binary.
> i've never gotten a patch from then for any man pages.

Christian Marillat has done a bunch, the gnome-utils packager did some, etc.
bug-buddy has one already - which of your other packages would you expect to
see a man page for?

Regardless, it's a very worthwhile resource that we'd be fools not to take
advantage of.

- Jeff

  "Anyway - I need something more James Bond than Banana Man, if you know   
                       what I mean..." - Tom Gilbert                        

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