[Usability]Re: Should the HIG advise use of Check and Radio menu items?

Gregory Merchan wrote:
They solve one problem: in most themes, including the default theme,
an untoggled radio or check menu item can not be distinguished from
a normal menu item.

Is this really an issue? Here's the current version of gnome-terminal's "view" menu before selecting any of the boolean items:

|  View          |
|  Hide Menubar  |
|  Fullscreen    |

Here's what it would look like with checkboxes instead of mutating menu-items:

|  View          |
|  Hide Menubar  |
|  Fullscreen    |

It's exactly the same! You can't say that there's a problem with the checkmarks being invisible when unselected, because it's exactly the same as the non-checkmark technique! When unselected, the 'Fullscreen' item makes the window fullscreen; it really doesn't matter if there's a checkmark next to it or not.

So I don't think it's a good idea to file that bug with GTK+.

The only difference (and thus the real argument) is between the "selected" cases.

Here's the current version of gnome-terminal's view menu after selecting "fullscreen":

|  View                 |
|  Hide Menubar         |
|  Restore Normal Size  |

Here's what it would look like if it used check boxes.

|  View          |
|  Hide Menubar  |
|X Fullscreen    |

Of these two, I happen to prefer the latter. The reason: Say I hit fullscreen, and then want to go back and change it -- I'll be looking for a menu-item that says "Fullscreen", since that's what I hit originally. If you change the names of items on the menu, it makes the UI hard to predict and hard to keep track of. This isn't a huge issue, but it seems like a potentially valid point. Does anyone know any other issues with either technique?

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