[Usability]GNOME-SEARCH-TOOL: Comment Request [UPDATE]


Thank you for your suggestions.  I have attempted to modify the layout
according your suggestions.  Please have a look
   Screenshot #1:
   Screenshot #2:

   The gnome-search-tool menu layout:
        Sear_ch ->
            Save Results _As
        _Help ->

I would like to remove the "S_how Command..." menu item from the Search menu. 
The reason being that gnome-search-tool applies additional filters to the
search results generated by the underlying 'find' and 'locate' commands.  So,
running the command in a terminal will more often than not generate the wrong

   The gnome-search-tool available search options:
           File is not named
           File name matches regular expression
           Last time file was modified
           File is empty
           File contains text
           File is owned by user
           File is owned by group
           File is owned by invalid user or group
           Do not search mounted filesystems
           Search follows symbolic links
I have reworded many of these options.  Also, I have removed the 'Process
folder contents depth first' option.  It was a legacy option from the GNOME 1.4
version.  I don't see a reason to keep it, because the search results can be
ordered by name, folder, size, type, and date.
BTW, this redesign work will be completed on the HEAD branch -- not the
gnome-2-0 branch.  I am not subscribed to the mailing list, so please include
my email address in your replies.


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