Re: [Usability]List policy, usability leadership, mission statement [Was: "widget"]

<quote who="Seth Nickell">

> Effectively the "usability team" is a very small set of people.

"Who is the usability team?"

> Small groups of people don't need as much explicit structure to be able to
> work and interact effectively. Definitely some, but not as much. (Take
> Tuomas and Jimmac working on icons for example, I think usability is more
> effectively managed closer to that format than say, how the release team
> works). 

"Who makes the final call?"

> Now where this all goes south is when said team needs to interact more
> with the world.... Our "organization crisis" is mostly an external problem
> than an internal problem right now. So what we *most* need to do is not
> "establish clear leadership" but establish clear channels by which we
> communicate group consensus, findings, decisions, whatever.

"Who is responsible for that communication?"

You've been pointing out the problems, but not solutions. I've suggested
that by providing a point of contact, and a responsible person, many of
these issues can be solved. Perhaps that will be a team - great. Not only
will this provide direction for GNOME usability work, but hopefully for
contributors on this list.

Yeah, I'm harping on this, but only due to experience. Look at our docs team
- they've had a string of great coordinators / team leaders, and they've
done a lot of great work. We need something similar from the usability
quagmire (when the team is defined, let's call it a team).


- Jeff

    "Biology is the only science in which multiplication means the same     
                     thing as division." - Greg Leblanc                     

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