Re: [Usability]Hello

On Fri, 2002-04-12 at 19:04, D. D. Brierton wrote:
> Just a quick introduction. Embarrassingly, I didn't realise this list
> existed until I suggested it ought to on the nautilus list and Luis
> Villa set me straight.
> Anyway, I'm a web developer, and my background is mainly an academic
> one: (analytical) philosophy and cognitive science; I program in
> Javascript and PHP well, Perl not so well, and Java badly.
> I'm interested in UI stuff in general, but I also would especially love
> to discuss crazy experimental UI paradigms for a fictitious GNOME 3 or
> 4. An example of something I still have a certain fondness for is this
> very rough and ready idea for a distant future UI innovation that I
> posted to the nautilus list ages ago:

Fascinating read!

I really like your ideas.  I'm not completely hip to all of them, and I
personally don't like the idea of evolution or nautilus growing even
bigger, and becoming even more unwieldy in what it does, but the idea is
still great.  A bonobo component, or maybe part of gnome-vfs, that can
deal with mbox folders maybe (why restrict something like this to the
evolution format... ), and knows how to handle things, so that if
someone browses to a "mail folder", be it through pan, nautilus,
evolution, hell, any gnome app, they can go "into" the folder, and see
basically an "email view".  The potential, if done right, is a bit
overwhelming :)  I doubt this will arrive any time soon, but I'd love to
see some discussion on this list about the ultimate design for this
wishlist item!



Alan -=- alan ufies org -=-
"As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat." 
                         --Ellen Perry Berkeley

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