Re: [Usability] Keyboard navigation- outstanding issues

<quote who="Calum Benson">

> 2) Pick a different shortcut for "Activate the default button" that you
> wouldn't hit in error, such as Ctrl+Enter.  Enter can then effectively be
> used to duplicate Tab as a navigation key, except in cases where the
> currently-focused widget uses Enter for something itself.  (Multi-line
> text widget, list control etc.).  Gives complete consistency whichever
> control has focus, hard to dismiss dialog by mistake, but not as
> convenient or obvious as just pressing Enter, and could be annoying in
> simple dialogs where the confusion wouldn't arise in the first place.

> However, I know a fair few GNOME users who would like to see something
> more like (2).

Ctrl-Enter seems to be effective in things like GnomeICU and Evolution.

[ Erm, at least I think Evo does it, I can't open the compose window at the
moment... Outlook Express does it, which means that it's fairly likely that
Evo does ;) ]

Enter *can* be dangerous, so a level of indirection might be useful in those
cases. I think the biggest issue with this is your last point - single
dialogues get ugly.

- Jeff

                           "Ha! I so nailed you!"                           
          "Dude, don't brag about your exploits to your exploits."          

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