[Usability] Minimizing

> This is taken from personal experience; each year I see firstyear 
> students using CDE for the first time. When they want to close a window, 
> they'll first click the top right button (which is Maximize in CDE). 
> Realizing that it doesn't do what they intended, they click the Minimize 
> button next to it. Since the window has now disappeared they do not 
> realize the program is still running, even though the iconified window 
> is still present on the desktop. This results in people having their 
> desktops completely cluttered with iconified terminal windows etc. :)

What you need here is to animate the minimizing into the iconified windows. 
For example in windows when you minimize a windows you see the windows title 
fall into the task task bar. In Mac OS X you can iconify windows. When you 
hit minimize the window basically morphs into the icon, and sits in the dock.

When I hit the the minimize button in gnome, the window just vanishes.

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