Re: multi gnome terminal

Cristiano De Michele wrote:
> > So, let me see if I understand this correctly, the "New terminal" is
> > a
> > button that launches a popup menu with user defined commands? If
> > this is
> > true, then my questions are:
> >         1) Why is a button launching a popup menu? This seems
> > backwards
> >         to me, and the interface gives no hint at all that I can see
> > that
> >         this is the case (usually an arrow indicates this kind of
> > thing,
> >         but I would argue that the solution below is better)
> >         2) Why is the button then labeled "New terminal"?
> >
> 1) it's similar to konsole button but in multignometerm the popup
> menu, which appears, contains
> also the  user defined commands:I think it' useful!

Why have a button launch a popup menu with options that are already
availiable in the main menu? To me this seems fairly redundant, and not
of much gain at all.

> 2)because you can start a new terminal using it (executing in it
> several program as midnight commander., a root
> shell or user defined  commands

Maybe a list "Terminal Type" and a button "New terminal of this type"
would be better and more obvious. I'm not sure, but it's certainly food
for thought.

> > I think a better idea would be to simply include the menu with user
> > defined commands as a menu in the main menu bar. This probably helps
> >
> > users spot that they can access these actions, and improves keyboard
> >
> > navigation to access these commands.
> that menu already exists in the main menu, I repeat: it's a questio of
> taste

Unnecessary redundancy also in many cases adds interface clutter, and if
widgets don't behave normally or are labeled confusingly it certainly
has passed the point of being just a matter of taste. I'm not saying
that this is the case here, just that the solution to all potential
problems is not "but it's just a question of taste."

> > Regarding this being a matter of taste. Well, yes, to an experienced
> >
> > user it definately is. But on the same time I can't help thinking
> > that
> > some things are backwards in the interface and do not behave
> > (according
> > to your descriptions) as they usually do in graphical interfaces,
> > there
> > is a lot of redundant functionality, and some things are confusingly
> >
> > labeled. All of these are things that usually confuses and distracts
> >
> > both experienced and novice users alike, and usually constitutes
> > some
> > usability problem - the application is not as easy to use as it
> > could
> > be.
> I agree with you but my model for buttons was konsole

Maybe we should careful when copying their model. The features might be
nice, but I don't think it's necessary to copy the interface widget for
widget, if it has potential problems.

> > I tried to find packages, but I couldn't find them.
> this where you'll find all:

I cannot find any packages on this site.

> I repeat: probably the best thing you can do it's to see the
> multignometerm running anyway
> regarding the button bar it's an open problem whether to remove it or
> not
> thank you very much again

Unfortunately I don't have the possibility to compile everything on this
box since I want a safe removal option (and I don't want to keep source
trees around), that's why I was looking for packages.


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