Re: Default button in dialogs

On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 10:02:03PM -0400, Julian Missig wrote:
> In #interface, we almost completely agree on
> The order of the buttons and things like that. Which particular parts of
> ours do you disagree with?

My guidelines were posted, to general approval, on g-g-l. My document
disagrees directly with your point 5, and indirectly with 3 and 4.

On point 3: "Cancel" or "Close" is determined by modality.

On 4: Enter should activate an action. It hadn't occured to me that
anyone would want this destructive/non-destructive distinction, so I
hadn't said anything about it, but if I had I would've advised against

On 5: Button order: _[Action 1]_ [Action 2] ... [Close/Cancel]

It's quite a different approach. Read it and see for yourself.


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