Possible New User Interface Design Directions

Have been exploring a variety of UI concepts that are along the premise 
of "OK so far LINUX desktops have been somewhat chasing Microsoft and 
other windows GUIs, what/where can we go beyond that?"

Here are the first 2 concepts:

1. Common Task Interface Scenario
Many time and task applications all handle the same information 
independently. Instead, what if any app (calendars, to do lists, 
outlines, project planners, financial planners) could access the same 
task and time dataset?


2. Frames Interface Scenario
Building on the issues raised with the above demo. Typical project 
information is scattered across many applications. The window and desktop 
interface is not the best way to deal with this:


If any of you find these ideas exciting (or not) I'd love to take them 
further. And am looking forward to feedback pro and con.

(also I sent to both lists, I must say that even after following them it 
is not clear which list to send to for what - apologize if I over posted)

Thanks for your time - Matthew

Matthew B Seigel
Human Interface Designer
Seigel Inocencio
33 Vandewater Street, #302
San Francisco, CA 94133-1970
415 433 5817
matthew mudtroll com

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