Re: Faster way to delete files and Select files, in groups.

jjenning stetson edu (2001-06-29 at 1728.17 -0400):
> > To me it sounds like a new search method followed by the freedom to
> > remove all the files that appear in the results. I used it in NT, but
> > with names or extensions, I performed a search with a criteria, then
> > did operations in the results (not only delete, but open, rename and
> > such). IMHO search that do not allow manipulation are a not useful,
> > and search criterias should provide a nice set, not just names.
> well shoot, why not let the user make such searches first-class
> sorts of objects, and call them vfolders? put a little emblem on
> them to notify the user that they're virtual. they would really be a
> special file containing the search criteria and starting point of
> the search, and maybe cached previous search results

While I am a bit againts the term folder and vfolder (due abuse of it
that makes people believe they are folders and that they have the same
limits than real folders), yes, more or less that is the idea.

You could also export them as text lists (nice for CDR storage,
feeding into XMMS, pass to scripts, mail to friends or any weird idea
you can have), use them in any typical task you want (move, copy,
rename, open...), also refine searchs or select only a small group and
then do ops with it (you search all your images in a dir tree, then
you only open the ones that have buildings in them, whatever name they
have, or open the three you like more).


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