The website twins...

You may have noticed that two aspiring but mostly empty new GNOME
usability websites have appeared recently (actually three if you include
the one Arlo has been working on):, and  Mea culpa :)  I was looking for a
place to put my GUADEC slides, thought we might as well kill two birds
with the one stone and set up a new site for all things
usability-related, and I asked a few people which URL they preferred. 
Unfortunately Martin set up for us before we had our
answer, which turned out to be that projects/gup was the popular

So, I think the plan for now is to have redirect you
to d.g.o/projects/gup, although it doesn't yet.  Of course, this is
still open to debate, if people prefer to have u.g.o as the main site I
guess we can switch it around again.  When, that is, anyone decides what
should actually be on the new usability website anyway  :)

(We did promise James Cape we'd move over anything of use from his old
UI Hitsquad pages at d.g.o/gnome-ui, though).

There's also a proposal on the site (from Dan) that people start
frequenting #usability on IRC... I don't know if that'll just confuse
people who've been used to hanging out on #interface up until now, but
we'll see how it goes I guess...


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum benson ireland sun com    Desktop Engineering Group                      +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems

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