[Setup-tool-hackers] Compiling, developing GST


I thought I'd add some functionality to GST frontends, but have stumbled in the 
beginning. To add a dependency, I need to modify configure.in, but even with 
configure.in unmodified, I can't successfully run autoconf, it complains 
something about ")].in". What version of automake/autoconf should I be using?

My second question is, how do people feel about dependencies? I'm thinkin of 
adding a network profile selector to the Panel. That requires libpanel-applet 
>=2.0. Is it okay to add a dependecy like this, or should the panel applet be 
developed as a separate package? Then I would only need to add some command 
line options to network-admin, that apply a specific network profile.

Kasper Rönning
setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@lists.ximian.com

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