[Setup-tool-hackers] 2.4: System Tools - Solaris

> From: Cumming Murray (COMNEON Linz) 
> > So, people need to try them out _now_ and start the 
> > criticism. The GEP 11
> > end date is June 2nd - 4 days from now.
> ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gnome-system-tools/

If these don't currently work on Solaris then I doubt we can add them to
GNOME 2.4.

Personally I think they are very useful and important, and really belong in
the Desktop. But we probably need some support from the SUN folks. Is SUN
even interested in them?

Murray Cumming
setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@lists.ximian.com

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