[Setup-tool-hackers] Sugestions about time-admin

I think that we should translate the strings inside ntp_servers.

Also is very useful if we could remove time servers as we can add them.

Something that also is useful, but perhaps is out of scope of XST is to
get the Time Zone translated. I don't know it it's possible but it's a
interesting thing...

We could make a temporal patch into xml-i18n-tools to make it possible
to extract the /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab data and translate it, or
talk with the glibc developers to get those strings into the glibc .po
file and then all the applications will have the translations...

Perhaps is too late and I need go to bed...

P.S.: I have review all the XST components except the users-admin one.
Tomorrow i will test it and I will do the same as I have done with the
other tools.

Bye, good night.

Carlos Perelló Marín
Valencia - Spain

setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@ximian.com

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