Re: [Setup-tool-hackers] Boolean tags

One note about this: due to the requirements of the location manager, it
is important that you do not use an attribute to specify a configuration
value, e.g. <booleantag value="true"/> will cause problems. Technically,
the problem is that, if you have a parent and a child location with
differing values, the location manager's XML merging and comparison code
cannot tell the difference between that and, say, the parent containing
eth0's configuration and the child containing eth1's configuration
without really nasty evil hackery. So, when and if you redo the boolean
tags, please do not put the configuration values in an attribute.

On 19 May 2001 22:15:17 -0500, Chema Celorio wrote:
> Hans Petter :
> This is a good time to fix the boolean tags in the XML.
> before the KDE guys start coding a front end.
> Right now we have something like :
> <booleantag>0</booleatag>
> That is not a nice way to encode a boolean tag in XML.
> Can you fix this as soon as you get some spare time ?
> Thanks,
> Chema
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> setup-tool-hackers maillist  -

-Bradford Hovinen

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