[Setup-tool-hackers] Location management

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have just committed a small graphical tool for doing location
management. It is in the ximian-setup-tools module under
archiver/location-management-capplet (though it isn't currently a
capplet). It is not currently built by default.

To make location management work properly with the existing tools, the
following needs to be done:

1) Have all the backends (and capplets) archive their XML data to the
archiver when applying changes.
2) Have all the frontends (and capplets) accept a command-line parameter
called --location <id>. This should cause the backend only to apply its
settings if <id> is the current location, and otherwise just archive its
data with the archiver under the location <id>.

As always, this is still alpha code, so I make absolutely, positively no
guarantees about anything. Use at your own risk.

-Bradford Hovinen

We are most probably here for local information-gathering and
local-Universe problem-solving in support of the integrity of
eternally regenerative Universe.

   -- R. Buckminster Fuller

setup-tool-hackers maillist  -  setup-tool-hackers@helixcode.com

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