Re: [Setup-tool-hackers] Devel Env

On 08 Aug 2001 11:12:15 -0600, Burra wrote:
> Here's a question for everyone... What is the best way to set-up a new
> machine with gnome development enviroment? aka so the new control center
> compiles up with no problems, etc, etc.

This is how _I_ do it.

I try to get SDK's from rpm (redcarpet) for as many dependencies as
possible. I get all the source code from cvs so that i can see what the
code does. I install everything bleeding edge in /home/chema/gnome away
from the stable stuff.

> I seem to be having troubles compliling a few packages... mostly because
> of the newer pkg-config it seems. Anyone have a standard procedure that
> they use?

You need to set a couple of enviromental variables right to make it
Once you have the right enviromental varibles and in your login script
everything should work fine. Getting it to work the first time is the
trick. If you want to compile from source the new gnomecc, come to #xst
if you need some help.


setup-tool-hackers maillist  -

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